Join me on a week-long journey as we taste and explore seven different traditional coffee preparations from various cultures. We'll dive into the history, brewing methods, and cultural significance of each cup, looking at a different one each day.


Day 1: Ethiopia - The Birthplace of Coffee

History: Ethiopia is considered the birthplace of coffee, with the legend of Kaldi, a goat herder, discovering the energizing berries. If you haven't seen our blog post over this story yet, you can check it out here.

Brewing Method: Traditionally prepared in a 'jebena,' the beans are roasted and ground, then boiled with water

Cultural Significance: The Ethiopian coffee ceremony is a social event and symbol of hospitality, bringing people together for conversation and bonding.


Day 2: Turkey - A Symbol of Friendship

History: Turkish coffee has been enjoyed since the 16th century and is known for its strong flavor.

Brewing Method: Ground coffee is simmered with water and sugar in a special pot called a 'cezve,' often over an open flame

Cultural Significance: Offering coffee in Turkey signifies friendship and trust. A bride may even serve coffee to her prospective in-laws as a traditional gesture.

Day 3: Italy - Espresso Your Love

History: Italy gave us the espresso, popularized in the early 20th century.

Brewing Method: Hot water is forced through finely-ground beans, creating a concentrated coffee.

Cultural Significance: The espresso is a symbol of Italian culture, an invitation to take a break and savor the moment.


Day 4: Vietnam - Sweet and Unique

History: Introduced by the French, Vietnamese coffee has become a unique cultural blend.

Brewing Method: Dripped through a metal mesh into a glass containing sweet condensed milk.

Cultural Significance: Often enjoyed in social gatherings, Vietnamese coffee reflects a combination of local tradition and French influence.


Day 5: Colombia - Coffee with a Heart

History: Colombia's mountainous terrain provides ideal conditions for growing coffee.

Brewing Method: A cloth filter called a 'colador' is used to strain freshly brewed coffee.

Cultural Significance: Coffee is central to Colombian economy and identity, symbolizing hard work and dedication.


Day 6: Japan - A Ceremony of Precision

History: Japan's coffee culture emerged in the 17th century, influenced by the West.

Brewing Method: The pour-over method involves pouring water over the grounds in a precise and measured way.

Cultural Significance: The Japanese approach to coffee mirrors their values of precision and ritual, transforming coffee brewing into an art form.


Day 7: Brazil - The Spirit of Samba

History: As the largest coffee producer globally, Brazil's coffee culture is lively and vibrant.

Brewing Method: Often prepared using a French Press, allowing the flavors to fully develop.

Cultural Significance: Coffee in Brazil is more than a drink; it's a daily celebration of life, reflecting the country's cheerful spirit.



As we conclude our journey, it's clear that coffee is more than just a beverage. From the ceremonies of Ethiopia to the artistry of Japan, coffee unites people and fuels conversations. Next time you enjoy a cup, take a moment to savor the world of flavors and traditions it represents.

Written by Carson Crockett

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