The 4 Most Common Coffee Stereotypes

Carson Crockett

Coffee, that morning cup of wakefulness, has brewed its way into the heart of global culture. As its popularity ruses, so too do the stereotypes associated with its variety of forms and the people who...

The Psychology of a Coffee Shop's Design

Carson Crockett

Ever wonder what makes your favorite coffee spot so enjoyable? It's not just the promise of a great cup of coffee. The magic is in the careful design of the place. It's about creating that perfect...

The 4 Types of Coffee Drinkers at the Office

Carson Crockett

Within offices across the world, a diverse array of coffee drinkers emerges, each with their unique habits and preferences. Here's a look at the 4 of the most common types of coffee drinkers you're likely to...

How Coffee Culture Has Changed Over the Years

Carson Crockett

Coffee culture has changed significantly over the years, going from a simple morning routine into a complex, global phenomenon that reflects the changing tastes, technologies, and social habits of society. This transformation has not only influenced how we...