How Does Coffee Affect Our Sleep?

Carson Crockett

We've all been there: it's late in the afternoon, and the energy slump hits. Desperate for a pick-me-up, we reach for a cup of coffee, hoping its caffeinated will get us through the rest of...

One Week of Coffee Around the World

Carson Crockett

Join me on a week-long journey as we taste and explore seven different traditional coffee preparations from various cultures. We'll dive into the history, brewing methods, and cultural significance of each cup, looking at a different...

The Logistics of Coffee Shops

Carson Crockett

Coffee shops, those cozy havens where the aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, have become an integral part of modern culture. Behind the scenes of these caffeine sanctuaries, a complex web of logistics...

The Changing Trends of Milk in Coffee

Carson Crockett

When it comes to coffee, it’s not just about the beans. The popular accessory to coffee, milk, has quietly been on a transformative journey of its own. Over the years, the type of milk we swirl...

How a Coffee Farm Works

Carson Crockett

Coffee, the fuel that kickstarts our day and powers our late-night work, starts its journey not in our mugs, but in the landscapes of a coffee bean farm. In this blog post, we'll go through...

The Future of Coffee with Artificial Intelligence

Carson Crockett

There's nothing quite like the aroma of fresh coffee or the personal touch of a skilled barista to start your day. However, the traditional coffee shop experience is undergoing a revolution at the intersection of...