Latte Art: What is it, and How Did it Start?

Carson Crockett

Coffee foam art, also known as latte art, is a popular technique used to create complex designs on the surface of a latte or cappuccino. The art form has become so popular that it is now considered an important part of specialty coffee culture.   How Did it Start? Latte art is believed to have originated in the 1980s in the coffeehouses of Seattle, Washington. It is said that a local coffee shop owner named David Schomer began experimenting with the milk steaming process and discovered that by creating microfoam, he could pour the foam onto the coffee in a way that...

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Coffee in Pop Culture Throughout the Years

Carson Crockett

Coffee has long been a staple in our daily lives, and its influence has seeped into popular culture in a big way. From movie moments to catchy song lyrics, coffee has become known for creativity and comfort. In this blog post, we'll look at some coffee scenes in movies, as well as its impact on music, to better understand how our love for this beverage has shaped the entertainment space.   Coffee in Movies Over the years, coffee has played a starring role in many memorable movie scenes. Who could forget the famous "You want me to hold the chicken?" scene in "Five...

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The Importance of Coffee Shops in Communities

Carson Crockett

Coffee shops are often considered as a social place in many communities. They are places where people gather to socialize, work, and relax. These small businesses play a vital role in the development and growth of communities. In this blog post, we will explore why coffee shops are important for communities.   Why Are Coffee Shops Important? Firstly, coffee shops offer a space for people to connect with one another. They are a meeting point for friends, colleagues, and even strangers. It is common to see people engaging in conversations over a cup of coffee, discussing current events, or just catching...

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The Psychology of Coffee Shops

Carson Crockett

The psychology of coffee shops is a fascinating topic that explores why people love to work and socialize at cafes. There are many factors that contribute to the appeal of coffee shops, including the atmosphere, the social environment, and the coffee itself. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into these factors and how they influence our behavior and emotions.   Why Do People Like The Atmosphere? One of the most significant reasons people enjoy going to coffee shops is the atmosphere. Coffee shops are designed to be comfortable and welcoming, with warm lighting, cozy seating, and a relaxed ambiance....

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What Exactly is Decaf Coffee?

Carson Crockett

Decaf coffee, also known as decaffeinated coffee, is a type of coffee that has had most of its caffeine removed. It is a popular option for coffee drinkers who are sensitive to caffeine or who want to enjoy the flavor and aroma of coffee without the stimulating effects of caffeine. But what exactly is decaf coffee and how is it made?   The Process of Making Decaf Coffee The process of removing caffeine from coffee beans involves soaking the beans in water to extract the caffeine. This water is then treated with chemicals, such as methylene chloride or ethyl acetate,...

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How the Economics of Coffee Work

Carson Crockett

Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world, with millions of people relying on it for their daily dose of caffeine. But beyond just being a drink, coffee is also a major player in the global economy, affecting the lives of millions of people, from coffee farmers to coffee drinkers. Understanding the economics of coffee is crucial in order to appreciate the challenges and opportunities facing the coffee industry today.   Coffee Production Coffee is produced in over 50 countries worldwide, with the largest producing countries being Brazil, Vietnam, and Colombia. Coffee farmers in these countries...

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