5 MORE Types of Coffee Drinkers

Peter Valencia

Earlier this year, we created a blog post titled "The Different Types of Coffee Drinkers", where we looked at popular types of ways that people drink coffee. In today's blog post, we're going to look at 5 more ways that people enjoy drinking their coffee.   The Stressed Out College Student Let’s face it; during exam seasons, coffee is something no student can go without. But this type of student will already drink coffee on a day-to-day basis, but when they need to be productive and learn a lot of things at once, they will drink a little too much...

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A Quick History Lesson on Coffee

Peter Valencia

An estimated 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed each and every day worldwide. It's a daily ritual in millions of people around the world. With all of this being said, the question remans: How did all of this start?   The Discovery of Coffee The most popular theory of how coffee was discovered is this: There was once a goat keeper who noticed one of his goats acting unusual: Running around a lot, not sleeping, and overall acting like the goat energy was overflowing. Curious, the goat keeper followed the goat around all day to figure out what the...

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The Science Behind The Perfect Cup of Coffee

Carson Crockett

 While coffee-lovers claim to brew the perfect cup of coffee every morning without fail, it’s worth noting that not every cup of coffee is equal. Brewed coffee can vary wildly in its flavor and chemical make-up, particularly the chemicals linked to health benefits. Everything that happens before the pour—from the bean selection, roast, grind, water, and brew method—can affect the taste and quality of your morning cup of coffee. Let's take a look at these components to understand how a perfect cup of coffee is brewed. The Components of Coffee How many chemicals do you think are in coffee? 20? 100?...

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The Different Types of Coffee

Carson Crockett

With so many different types of coffees these days, it's easy to get confused between them. Today, we'll go over the most common types of coffees, so you'll never again forget the types of coffee.   ARABICA VS. ROBUSTA COFFEE BEANS All coffee starts with beans. While there are many different types of beans, we'll look at the two most common: Arabica and Robusta. Arabica Beans: This type of bean is known for being higher quality. The tastes that these beans have usually include flavors of fruit, chocolate, nuts, and spice. At Sumato Coffee, these beans are our go-to. This is...

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Tips and Tricks for Storing Coffee

Carson Crockett
Learn some tips and tricks on how to store coffee!
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4 Reasons Why Your Body Loves Coffee

Carson Crockett
You're brain is actually thanking you every time you drink coffee!
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